Tuesday, 13 January 2009

I have had enough

Okay, so today has been a complete and utter waste of my life. I mean seriously, it just takes the piss. So, i collect all of my drawings and what not last night all ready to scan arrange and add the sound to today so that i make sure i have my fully sorted animatic. But oh no... thats not ok for my computer because when i awake it doesnt fucking work. Thats right, the wonderful ntldr is missing message comes up, which is wonderful. I was pretty sure my windows was screwed anyway, so, install a new copy, everything is going ok and then BOOM, try to turn it on and no information gets sent to the screen. Your thinking, oh yay an error, Ofcourse its a wonderful CMOS error and i have to completely wipe that. Upon doing so, i get another NTLDR error and have to reinstall over the 2 hour old new copy of Windows. Now this would be fine, if, when i finished sorting out my new OS all happy with everything installed my scanner wont work, not only that but i steal Karls, and his wont work. So i am trying to scan everything in to put onto my USB stick and Collate the final Animatic, but alas no.... I have now spent 2 hours trying to get it to work and i just give up. It just doesnt want me to get this finished in time.


1 comment:

gerry said...

You need to come in to university and get some work done, I have been into the 3rd year space and there is always room for students to work in, you need to move on, don't let the technology get in the way or become an excuse for not finishing on time!